
How To Configure a Cron Job in cPanel. Step 1: Log in to cPanel. Step 2: In the Advance section of cpanel there is one option for Cron... How to create email account in cPanel. Step 1: Log in to cPanel. Step 2: Find the email section, then click Email Accounts. Step 3:... How to enable php extension in php selector. Step 1: Log in to cPanel. Step 2: In the Software section of cpanel there is one option for... How to generate backup in cPanel Step 1: Log in to cPanel.   Step 2: In the FILES section of cpanel there is one option for... How to manage the PHP version in cPanel using the Select PHP Version tool. Step 1: Log in to cPanel. Step 2: In the Software section of cpanel there is one option for... How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS Using .htaccess. Step 1: Log in to cPanel. Step 2: In the FILE section of cpanel there is one option for File... How to run Autossl feature in cPanel. Step 1: Log in to cPanel. Step 2: In the Security section of cpanel there is one option for SSL,... How to set up an addon domain in cPanel. Step 1: Log in to cPanel. Step 2: In the Domain section of cpanel there is one option for Addon... How to set up an sub domain in cPanel. Step 1: Log in to cPanel. Step 2: In the Domain section of cpanel there is one option for... How to set up e-mail forwarders. Step 1: Log in to cPanel. Step 2: In the email section of cpanel there is one option for... How to set upload_max_filesize, post_max_size, memory_limit, max_input_time, max_execution_time. Step 1: Log in to cPanel. Step 2: In the Software section of cpanel there is one option for...
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